
New Lead Screening Method Zooms in on Highest-Risk Areas in Georgia

EPA’s lead cutoff leaves out west Atlanta homeowner

Emory Researchers Knock On Doors Across Atlanta’s Westside To Warn About Lead Contamination

EPA widens lead testing areas in Atlanta

Elevated lead levels leads to a million dollar cleanup

Area of potential lead contamination doubles on Atlanta’s westside

Danger in the ground: Lead contaminates westside Atlanta neighborhood

A Community-Engaged Pilot Study Leads to EPA Site Investigation Taken from the Hercules Exposome Research Center

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The Emory study team collects soil samples at a HWG garden site

Emory University’s HERCULES Exposome Research Center funded a community-engaged pilot project investigating urban soil contamination in Atlanta. The study has led to an EPA site investigation and is an example of how partnering with communities strengthens science and expands its impact.

The original goals of the study were to: 1) quantify levels of heavy metal and metalloid (HMM) soil contamination and bioavailability in urban gardens; and 2) determine the potential of commonly used plants and practices to reduce the HMM concentration and bioavailability. In total, 355 soil samples from 19 neighborhood home gardens and yards were analyzed for lead, arsenic, chromium, cadmium, and 20+ other HMM. 

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